Sunday, January 31, 2016

Two Training Sessions

We admit we aren’t perfect at this but we really want to call every pool and weight room session “training” rather than “practice”. To us “training” means specific preparation while “practice” is, well, just practice…not the real deal. We have 36 in our Senior 1 training group and probably 25 +/- are really training for their advancement to the next level of competition. They fire us up daily…ours is actually the best profession in the world. The 30th below is from Ken and the 31st from Don (we train on Saturday and Sunday, taking Friday off)…the swimmers (again not all but most) responded superbly. Got a great one? Share with us and we will share with the world…
As Dave Krotiak says, “Have an awesome day!”

1/30 youth
Wmp 4 x 50/.50
600 mix and match – any gear but kick boards
4 x 150 kick...last 50 no board on 2:45
4 x 100 pull 1st scull on 1:40
200 IM

9 x 50 on the: 50
1st 3 start bursts
Next 3 turn bursts
Last 3 finish bursts

4 rounds...200 pacing
50 on the: 40 this will be timed
100 on the 1:20 this will be timed
50 on the 1:00 this will be hypoxic...2 breaths per lap (breaststrokers 2 pull throughs)

The goal will be to be within 4 seconds on your 100 of your doubled 1st 50 time

If you go a 25 on first 50... You break 54 on the 100
26 on first 50... You break 56 on the 100
27 on first 50... You break 58 on the 100
28 on first 50... You break 60 on the 100 Etc
How fast can you go on the first 50 and still do this correctly?

After we do one
4 x 50 on the 1:00 easy then take a minutes before next round

600 pull every 4th lap hypoxic...2 breaths
300 pull every 3rd lap Breast Pull

4 x 25/.30 alternate Buildup & burst

12 x 50 ... Actual number TBD
Odds on the: 40.... These are fast
Evens on the 1:20... These are easy

1st fast doing your 200 breathing pattern
2nd fast doing your 100 breathing pattern
3rd fast 50 breathing pattern

1-31-16 - Goals: keep 500 gang’s focus narrow on the 500 working both aerobic and anaerobic capacities. Main group same idea – focus on 200 and 100 needs while building the same aerobic and anaerobic capacities…Ken will have sprint group do specialized work after the wmp and 20x25 set
Wmp – 45 minutes of skills and drills…then 20x25/.40 doing the sequencing as follows:
1 under then 1 surface, then 2 under then 1 surface, then 3 under etc all the way to 5 under and 1 surface…all under laps are 15 mtrs fast, all surface laps are flawless, evenly balanced swimming zero breath…..60 minutes
500 Gang: 1x500NS/6 then 5x100/1:30 fast as possible
                        500NS/5:45…5x100/1:40 fast As Above
                        500NS/5:30…5x100/1:50 AA
                        500NS/5:15…5x100/2 AA                                      4000/70 mins
Main Group: you can do stroke anywhere it suits you and seems appropriate, but make sure you do the same stroke for all 3x100  or 4x50  or 4x25…you may change strokes but not on the distance…only exception would be the IM’ers
3 rounds as follows:
Round 1                                Round 2                    Round 3
300/NS 4                               300/NS 3:45             300/NS 3:30
3x100/1:30 Fast                   3x100/1:45 FAST     3x100/2 FAST
200/NS/2:40                         200/NS 2:30             200/NS 2:20
4x50/.45 Fast                        4x50/.50 Fast            4x50/1:10 Fast
1x100/NS 1:20                     1x100/NS1:15                      1x100/NS 1:10
4x25/.30 Fast                        4x25/.40 Fast            4x25/1 Fast
1-3 foot touch                       same                         same
4 = touchpad                                    same                         same
1x200 smooth                      200 smooth              200 smooth=            4200 (1800 effort) 75 mins

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