Sunday, August 12, 2012

Two Items of Interest

From time to time we are visited by swimmers who have been through our program, gone off to college and then are back in town for a family visit. Yesterday Shayan Sayadi stopped by the pool for a swim and visit. After practice we asked him how things were going. He has finished his undergrad work and is taking a year to work before determining exactly in what field he will pursue his master’s degree.

He said he was being fueled by the “twin pillars of persistence and patience.” He went on to explain that, “persistence cancels out the apathy that may come with patience while patience cancels out the anxiety that may come with persistence.”

We are impressed with his thoughtfulness.

The other item this week is one you may have already seen but in case you haven’t check out the article and especially the video of Dana Volmer’s butterfly stroke analysis on the link below. Gotta love the technology available today!

Dana Vollmer’s Butterfly Stroke Features Dolphinlike Moves

Have a great week. We will since we are in Indianapolis with 5 swimmers at the US Summer Junior National Championships!

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