Sunday, January 21, 2018

Here's a Couple of Sets

This first one comes from Gordy Westerberg out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. He shares sets regularly. We liked this one because we are referring to our 200 gang as middle sprinters and our 500 gang as long sprinters. This set seemed to give both groups something they could sink their teeth into…as Ken likes to say, “They buy into it…more likely to own it”.

10x400s done as 4-3-2-1

at 5:30 (keep it relaxed), 1 at 4:30 strong
at 5:30 (keep it relaxed), 1 at 4:30 stronger

at 5:30 (keep it relaxed), 1 at 4:30 fast

at 5:30 (keep it relaxed)

We saw some really fast 400s on #9! THANKS GORDY, keep them coming.

Then we plagiarized his set into one that gave us some pulling then swimming using Gordy’s rest reduction. We then added in some fast 50’s with increasing rest. We have stress days 3 times per week and like to have them go for speed each of those days after some more aerobic based capacity work.

70 mins of work = 5000 yards total: all pulling with ankle straps and pull buoys; all stronger, getting faster 400’s were swim as were the 50’s.

[3x400 pull - straps and PB – keep it smooth and even paced - intervals are 5:30 or 6
Then 1x400 swim/4:30 or 5 make it strong
Then 8x50 on .35 or .40 time average] rest interval +/- .60 get pull gear back on

[2x400 pull As Above then 1x400 stronger then 6x50 time ave on .40 or .45] RI +/- .60

[1x400 pull AA then 1x400 super strong – fast oh yeah! Then 4x50 time ave .45 or .50] RI @.60

{{1x400 swim; get up and rock the pool then 2x50 time ave on .50 or .60; be thinking I am finishing my 400IM or 500 free}}

Monday, January 1, 2018

Team Culture

Looking ahead to the New Year with great anticipation we have been spending a fair amount of time discussing our team’s culture. We are talking about what it is we want to emphasize and how to choose the words to describe the path. Culture defines that path; the clearer the culture, the brighter the light on the path.

Pete Carroll is the Head Coach for the Seattle Seahawks of the NFL. He has a record of success that is admirable. The NFL according to the players stands for Not For Long; it is very challenging to maintain a playing or coaching career. Coach Carroll has always been careful about how he defines his team’s culture.

“Always protect your team. Have peoples back; it is not about you, it's about figuring out who another person is and celebrating them. Always take care of each other no matter where you are. Show love.

No whining, complaining or excuses. Own it; is your responsibility to bring the very best.

Be early, not on time but early; show that you care about the other people and their time by organizing your life. When people are waiting on you, you are slowing down the entire system.  

How do you deal with failure? First you need to feel the pain. Change does not happen without pain. Get after it and put yourself in an emotional state of mind every day so that you get used to it. Forget the noise. Focus on great attitude, great action, great effort; those are things that you can control.”

Thanks to Coach Craig Carson, Brentwood Seawolves, for sharing this one.