Sunday, November 6, 2016

Robin Sharma

We discovered Robin Sharma from a fellow coach. We bought his book, “What To Do When It’s Your Turn”. We then got on his email list and occasionally get some gems. All that follows are from his recent email. We found the thoughts simple but masterful and very relative to what we as coaches are striving to accomplish with our team.

If you're the smartest person you know, it's time to know some new people.

If you're the most successful person on your street Don, today I encourage you to find a new street. [I'm only partly joking on his one].

If you're the most productive person in your community, it's definitely time to find a new community.

The principle I'm hinting at with my usual love and respect for you? We become our conversations. And our associations sculpt our destinies. 

5 leadership lessons my mentors have taught me:

Think like a pro
Lead like a warrior
Produce like a Picasso
And love like a saint
Be great

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