Monday, December 1, 2014

On Being Grateful

“It is a wise person who does not grieve for things she/he has not, but rejoices for those things she/he does have especially friendship, family, and purpose.” – Inspired by Epictetus.
No, we’re not that well educated that we actually knew this on our own. This came to us this week in a Thanksgiving Day card from Theo St. Francis and his family Susan, Ray and Adrian (Learn more about Theo by Googling his name).
Theo’s brother Adrian is a multi-faceted artist and the card we got was created by him and included the quote above.
We are reminded that in this age of self-absorption that the truly important qualities in life are not how fast we swim nor how well we coach; rather the impact we each have on our surrounding circles is what is vastly more significant.
We ask each of you to make a positive impact on someone today as you move through your routines. When you smile at a person you are connecting with, watch the gratefulness play out over their countenance. When you see this you will know you made a difference.
Whatever it is you want in life – give it away, for free. It will come back to you tenfold.
Thank you Adrian. Thank you Theo.

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