Every now and then it is good to shake up the routine, to break out of the box as it were. We continue to challenge our swimmers and ourselves to seek new pursuits that compliment what we are trying to do in our sport that are also "outside of the box".
This weekend in northern California we had an opportunity to do just that. Several of our pool swimmers swam in the annual RCP Tiburon Mile open water swim. For many of them it was the first time they had swum in San Francisco Bay. Several overcame anxiety about being able to see the bottom. We encouraged them to do this because, in life, we often never "see the bottom" as it were.
We encourage you as well to try an open water swim. There are many every year in lakes, rivers and the bays that are near you. Pick one that has good support and safety features. The RCP Tiburon Mile had numerous chase boats, kayaks and support staff. While this swim annually features top Olympians and Open Water professionals swimming with amateurs, many of the swims in your area are less formal. That doesn't mean that they are not equally valuable to you. The value, we believe, is in the trying of something new. Each time you step outside of your own comfort zone you have the opportunity to learn new things about what works for you...both in and out of the pool!
Let us know how it goes for you!
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