Thursday, June 27, 2019

For All the Parents – Dads and Moms

This is from Maureen who is an actively engaged parent and swimmer on our Masters team. She contributes mightily on many fronts. As coaches and parents we never can really know what impacts the young ones most significantly; but as the following tells us, we certainly do make a lasting impression.

Way back 4 years ago when I started with North Bay I did a 100 free at a swim meet out in Pleasanton.  I had to pick a time to register, and let’s just say it was off by 30 seconds or so.  When I got to the blocks Ms. Stanford and Ms. Cal Berkeley were in my heat in their Olympic like suits. They were 3/4 of the way down the pool before I dove in.  I finished.  Looked over at my kids with their go mom sign and they were cheering for my last place finish. My daughter found my ribbon from the race in the garage 2 weeks ago.  Wrapped it up for Mother’s Day with a card that said she thinks of that race all the time and how hard I tried…And how hard I try every day to be a good mom.

Best parenting lesson ever.

Thanks NBA

Saturday, June 8, 2019

A Teaching Tool

In our quest to figure out how to coach our swimmers to new levels of performance we always look for keys from the world of education and science. This 6 minute video is very significant because you can use it to inform your team on how to make change. 

Growth mindset is a huge key. You already know that. Consider this input: